Evodia rutaecarpa var. officinalis

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Other Names:

Historical Use of Evodia rutaecarpa var. officinalis

Evodia rutaecarpa var. officinalis in Traditional Chinese Medicine


Danwuyu µ­ÎâÝÇ Wuyu ÎâÝÇ Chinese Name (pinyin): Wuzhuyu

Chinese Name  :

Common Name  :Evodia Fruit

Specific Name  : Fructus evodiae

Scientific Name:
Collection  : The fruit spur is cut off from August to November when the fruit indehiscent, dried in the sun or at a low temperature, remove from shoot, leaf, fruit stalk and foreign matter.

Description  : Spheroidal or slightly flattened pentagon spheroidal, 2 - 3cm in diameter. Externally dark yellowish green to brown, rough with numerous spotted protrudings or depressed oil dots. A pentagon stallate cleft present at the apex and a yellow tormentose fruit stalk at the base. Texture hard and fragile. Transverse section showing 5 locular ovary, each locule possessing 1 - 3 yellowish seeds. Odour strong arometic, taste pungent and bitter.

Identification  : 1.Powder: brown, non-glandular hairs 2 - 6 celled, 140 - 350µm long, warts obviuos, some lumina containing brownish yellow to brownish red contents. Glandular hairs with a 7 - 14 celled head, elliptical, usually containing yellowish brown contents and a 2 - 5 celled stalk. Cluster of calcium oxalate frequently found, 10 - 25µm in diameter, prisms occasionally found. Some cells subrounded or rectangular, 35 - 70µm in diamter with large lumina. Pale yellow fragments of oil cavities sometimes visible.2.To 0.5g of the powder add 10ml of hydrochloric acid solution (1? 100), shake vigorously for several minutes and filter. To 2ml of the filtrate add 1 drop of mercuric potassium iodide TS and shake well, a yellowish white precipitate is produced. To another 1ml of the filtrate add gradually 2 ml of p-dimethyl-aminobenzaldehyde TS and heat on a water bath, a reddish brown colour ring is produce at the junction of the two liquids.

Processing  : Eliminate foreign matterPrepared: Pound Radix Glycirrhizae to pieces and decoct in a proper amount of water, remove the residue, add clean fructus evodiae in a covered container to absorb the decoction entirely. Stir fry until partially dry and then dry in the sun. To each 100kg of Fructus evodiae add 6kg of Radix Glycirrhizae in the processing.

Action  : To dispel cold and alleviate pain, to relieve vomiting, and to check diarrhea.

Indication  : headache accompanied by retching and cold limbs; abdominal colic; weakness and edema of the legs; abdominal pain during menstruation; epigastric distension and painwith vomiting and acid regurgitation; diarrhea occurring before dawn daily; hypertension external: ulcers in the mouth

Precautions  :

Dosage  : 1.5 to 4.5 g; appropriate quantity for external use.

Storage  : Preserve in a cool and dry place.

Synonymns for Evodia rutaecarpa var. officinalis

Patent Medicines and Medicines with Multiple Ingredients that include Evodia rutaecarpa var. officinalis

Pharmaceutical Information

Chemical Constituents

Evidence or the Use of Evodia rutaecarpa var. officinalis in the Treatment of Epilepesy

Basic Science

Animal Studies

Cohort, Case-Control and Non-Randomized Trials

Randomized Controlled Trials


1st Five Results: pubmed search



Side Effect and Warnings

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Adverse Effects