Periploca sepium

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Other Names:

Historical Use of Periploca sepium

Periploca sepium in Traditional Chinese Medicine


Chinese Name (pinyin): Xiangjiapi

Chinese Name  :

Common Name  :Chinese Silkvine Root-bark

Specific Name  : Cortex periplocae

Scientific Name:
Collection  : The root is collected in spring and autumn. The root bark is stripped off and dried in the sun.

Description  : Quilled, channeled, a few piece irregularly, 3-10cm long, 1-2cm in diameter, 2-4mm thick. Outer surface greyish brown or yellowish brown, cork soft and loose, often scaly, easily exfoliated, inner surface pale yellow or pale yellowish brown, relatively smooth with fine longitudinal striations. Texture light and fragile, easily broken, fracture uneven, yellowish white, odour characteristic and aromatic, taste bitter.

Identification  : 1.Powder: pale brown, prisms of calcium oxalate rare, 9-20µm in diameter. Stone cells rectangular or subpolygonal, 24-70µm in diameter. Laticiferous tubes containing colourless oily granules. Cork cells brownish-yellow, polygonal. Starch granules numerous, simple granules subrounded or oblong, 3-11µm in diameter, compound granules composed of 2-6 components.2.Distill 10g of the powder with 150ml of water in a 250ml flask, the odour of distillate characteristic and aromatic. Transfer 10ml of the distillate to two test tubes. To one test tube add one drop of 1% ferric chloride solution, a brownish-red colour is produced. To another 1 add 5ml of saturated solution of hydrazine sulfate and a few crystals of sodium acetate, warm gently and cool, a pale yellowish green precipitate is produced. Examine under ultra violet light (365nm), the precipitate shows a strong yellow fluorecence.3.Heat under reflux 1g of the powder with 10ml of ethanol for 1 hour, filter. Transfer the filtrate to a 25ml volumetric flask and dilute with ethanol to volume. Transfer 1ml of the ethanol solution to a 20ml volumetric flask, dilute with ethanol to volume. Carry out the method for spectrophptometry (Appendix V A), the light absorption exhibits a maximum at 278nm.4.To 2g of the powder add 30ml of methanol, heat under reflux on a water bath for 1 hour and filter. Evaporate methanol as the test solution. Dissolve 4 methoxy salicylic aldehyde CRS in methanol to produced a solution containing 1mg per ml as the reference solution. Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography (appendix Vl B) using silica gel as the coating substance and petroleum ether (60-90ºC-ethyl acetate glacial acetic acid (20:3:0.5) as the mobile phase. Apply separately 2µl of each of the two solutions to the plate. After developing and removal of the plate, dry it in the air, spray with dinitrophenylhydrazine TS. The spot in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution correspond in position and colour to the spot in the chromatogram obtained with the reference solution.Assay: Carry out the method for high performance liquid chromatography (Appendix Vl D)Chromatographic System and System Suitability: Use octadecyllsilane bonded silica gel as the stationary phase and methanol-water-acetic acid (70:30:2) as the mobile phase. The wavelength of the detector is 278nm. The number of the theoretical plates of the column is not less than 1000, calculated with the reference to the peak of 4-methoxyl salicylic aldehyde. The resolution factor between the peaks of 4-methoxyl salicylic aldehyde and internal standard complies with the related requirements.Internal standard solution: Dissolve a quantity of n-butyl, p-hydroxybenzoate, accurately weighed in 60% methanol to produced a solution containing 6mg per ml as the internal standard solution.Procedure: Weigh accurately a quantity of 4-methoxyl salicylic aldehyde CRS in an amber voulumetric flask, dissolve and dilute with 60% methanol to produce a solution containing 1mg per ml. Accurately measure 4ml of the solution and 2ml of the internal standard solution in a 25ml volumetric flask, dilute with 60% methanol to volume and mix well. Inject 20µl into the column and plot the chromatogram. Accurately weigh 250-500mg of the coarse powder, dried at 60ºC for 4 hours, in a 50ml flask. Add 15ml of 60% methanol, heat under reflux on a water bath for 1.5 hours and filter. Transfer the filtrate to a 25ml volumetric flask, wash the container with 60% methanol, filter the washings to the same flask, add accurately 2ml of the internal standard solution, dilute with 60% methanol to volume and mix well. Filter through a membrane filter (0.5µm in pore size) and use the filtrate as the test solution. Inject 20µl into the column, measure the peak area and calculate the content with corrected internal standard method. It contains not less than 0.20% of 4-methoxyl salicylic aldehyde (C8H8O3) on the dried basis at 60ºC for 4 hours.

Processing  : Eliminate foreign matter, wash clean, soften thoroughly, cut into thick slices and dry in the sun.

Action  : To relieve rheumatic conditions and to strengthen tendons and bones.

Indication  : rheumatic arthritis with aching and weakness of the loins and knees, cardiac palpitation, shortness of breath and edema of the lower extremities

Precautions  : Overdosage should be avoided because of toxicity.

Dosage  : 3 to 6 g.

Storage  : Preserve in a cool and dry place.

Synonymns for Periploca sepium

Patent Medicines and Medicines with Multiple Ingredients that include Periploca sepium

Pharmaceutical Information

Chemical Constituents

Evidence or the Use of Periploca sepium in the Treatment of Epilepesy

Basic Science

Animal Studies

Cohort, Case-Control and Non-Randomized Trials

Randomized Controlled Trials


1st Five Results: pubmed search

Zhi-Heng Shu, Miao Chen, Yao Li, Cai-Lian Fan, Wei-Wu Chen, Yao Xin-Sheng, Yi Dai
Nat Prod Res: 2023;1-7
[PubMed:37820042] [] [DOI] (I a)

Shuai Cui, Ren Chen, Leqing Qu
Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao: 2023, 39(7);2794-2805
[PubMed:37584132] [] [DOI] (I p)

Jiaojiao Luo, Anqi Sun, Yang Yu, Yakun Pei, Yayun Zuo, Zhaonong Hu
Periplocoside P affects synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction and reduces synaptic excitability in Drosophila melanogaster by inhibiting V-ATPase.
Pest Manag Sci: 2023, 79(12);5044-5052
[PubMed:37556562] [] [DOI] (I p)

Yayun Zuo, Yaxin Ren, Yakun Pei, Ahmed A A Aioub, Zhaonong Hu
Effects of periplocoside T isolated from Periploca sepium on behavior and sensory-CNS-motor circuits in Drosophila melanogaster larvae.
Pestic Biochem Physiol: 2023, 191;105365
[PubMed:36963935] [] [DOI] (I p)

Fernanda Achimón, Maria L Peschiutta, Vanessa D Brito, Magalí Beato, Romina P Pizzolitto, Julio A Zygadlo, María P Zunino
Plants (Basel): 2022, 11(22);
[PubMed:36432799] [] [DOI] (P e)



Side Effect and Warnings

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Adverse Effects