Angelica pubescens f. biserrata

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Other Names:

Historical Use of Angelica pubescens f. biserrata

Angelica pubescens f. biserrata in Traditional Chinese Medicine


Chuanduhuo ´¨¶À»î Chinese Name (pinyin): Duhuo

Chinese Name  :

Common Name  :Pubescent Angelica Root

Specific Name  : Radix angelicae pubescentis

Scientific Name:
Collection  : The drug is collected from early spring before sprouting or in the end of autumn when stem and leaves wither, removed from rootlets and soil. Bake to half dryness, piled up for 2 - 3 days to soften and then bake to dryness.

Description  : Somewhat cylindrical, with 2 - 3 or more branches at the lower part, 10 - 30 cm long. Root stock enlarged, conical with abundant transverse wrinkles. 1.5 - 3 cm in diameter, apex exhibiting remains of stem and leaves and sunken spots. Externally greyish brown or dark brown. Longitudinally wrinkled with prominent, transverse lenticels and slightly prominent scars of rootlets. Texture relatively hard, soft when moistened, fracture showing bark greyish white, scattered with abundant brown oil cavities, wood greyish yellow to yellowish brown and cambium ring brown. Odour ,characteristic and aromatic. Taste bitter and pungent and slightly numb.

Identification  : 1.Transverse section: Cork consisting of several layers of cells. Cortex narrow with few oil cavities. Phloem broad, occupying about ½ the radius of root, oil caivities relatively abundant, arranged in several rings up to 153µm tangentially, subrounded by 6 - 10 secretory cells. Cambium in a ring, xylem ray 1 - 2 rows of cells wide. Vessels sparse up to 84µm in diameter, frequently arranged singly and radially. Parenchymatous cells containing starch granules.2.To 3g of the powder add 30 ml of ether, heat under reflux for 1 hour, filter and evaporate the filtrate to dryness. Add 3 ml of petroleum ether (30 - 60ºC), shake and filter. Dissolve the residue in 3 ml of ethanol, examine under ultra violet lighty (365 nm), a bluish perple fluorescence is observed.3.To 1 ml of the tehanol solution obtained from test (2) for Identification, add 3 drops of each of a freshly prepared solution of 70% hydroxylamine hydrochloride in methanol, gently heat on a water bath, cool then add 2 drops of 1% solutionn of ferric chloride in hydrochloric acid, mix well, an orange yellow colour is produced.4.To 2g of the powder add 10 ml of ether, macerate over night and filter. Evaporate the filtrate to dryness, dissolve the residue in 2ml of chloroform as the test solution. Produce a solution of Radix Angelicae Pubescentis reference drug used as the reference drug solution in the same manner. Carry out the method for thin layer chromatogaphy (Appendix Vl B), using silica gfel G as the coating substance and n-hexane-benzene-ethyl acetate (2: 1:1) as the mobile phase. Apply separately to the plate 2 µl of each of the two solutions. After developing and removal of the plate, dry it in the air. Examine under ultra violet light (365 nm). The fluorescent spots in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution correspond in position and colour to the spots in the chromatogram obtained with the reference solution.Total ash: Not more than 8.0% (Appendix lX K)Extractives: Ether-soluble extractives: Weigh accurately (0.01g) about 2g of the powder (through No.4 sieve) previously dried over phosphorous pentoxide for 48 hours to a 100ml conical flask, add 70 ml of ether and several glass beads. Heat under reflux for 4 hours, cool and filter. Wash the flask and residue with a quantity of ether. Combine the filtrate and washings to a100ml volumetric flask and ether to volume, mix well. Transfer accurately 50 ml of the solution to an evaporating dish previously dried to constant weight. Evaporate the ether solution and dry it over phosphorous pentoxide for 24 hours. Weigh accurately and quickly. It contains not less than 3.0% of the ether-soluble extractives.

Processing  : Eliminate foreign matter, wash clean, soften thoroughly, cut into thin slices and dry in the sun or at a low temperature.

Action  : To relieve rheumatic conditions, and to remove obstruction from the channels and relieve pain.

Indication  : rheumatic arthritis with pain in the lower back and knees; headache due to attack of cold on the Shaoyin Channel characterized by association of headache with precordial pain and heavy legs

Precautions  :

Dosage  : 3 to 9 g.

Storage  : Preserve in a dry place, protected from mould and moth.

Synonymns for Angelica pubescens f. biserrata

Patent Medicines and Medicines with Multiple Ingredients that include Angelica pubescens f. biserrata

Pharmaceutical Information

Chemical Constituents

Evidence or the Use of Angelica pubescens f. biserrata in the Treatment of Epilepesy

Basic Science

Animal Studies

Cohort, Case-Control and Non-Randomized Trials

Randomized Controlled Trials


1st Five Results: pubmed search

Chenyang Ai, Xinxin Miao, Lili Wang, Jun He
Discovery and Activity Evaluation of the Inhibitory Effect of Four Kinds of Traditional Chinese Medicine Extracts on the CYP3A4 Enzyme.
Comb Chem High Throughput Screen: 2023, 26(9);1737-1745
[PubMed:36093820] [] [DOI] (I p)

Tsung-Ho Ying, Chia-Liang Lin, Pei-Ni Chen, Pei-Ju Wu, Chung-Jung Liu, Yi-Hsien Hsieh
Angelol-A exerts anti-metastatic and anti-angiogenic effects on human cervical carcinoma cells by modulating the phosphorylated-ERK/miR-29a-3p that targets the MMP2/VEGFA axis.
Life Sci: 2022, 296;120317
[PubMed:35026214] [] [DOI] (I p)

Qingxia Yuan, Jing Zhang, Chulei Xiao, Chaligan Harqin, Mingyang Ma, Tao Long, Zhenghui Li, Yanling Yang, Jikai Liu, Longyan Zhao
Structural characterization of a low-molecular-weight polysaccharide from Angelica pubescens Maxim. f. biserrata Shan et Yuan root and evaluation of its antioxidant activity.
Carbohydr Polym: 2020, 236;116047
[PubMed:32172859] [] [DOI] (I p)

Jiahua Ma, Jun Huang, Shiyao Hua, Yan Zhang, Yiwei Zhang, Tingting Li, Lin Dong, Qinghan Gao, Xueyan Fu
The ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Angelica biserrata - A review.
J Ethnopharmacol: 2019, 231;152-169
[PubMed:30408534] [] [DOI] (I p)

Qun-Qun Guo, Gui-Cai Du, Yong-Xing Li, Chen-Yan Liang, Chao Wang, Ya-Nan Zhang, Rong-Gui Li
J Nematol: 2018, 50(4);559-568
[PubMed:31094158] [] [DOI] (P p)



Side Effect and Warnings

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Adverse Effects